
Montpellier Fountain Spray. ISO 400, 1/50s, f/11

A more telephoto lens would have been better here as this is with the standard 18-55mm Canon. The atmosphere around this fountain was really fun with lots of kids running around, i think i managed to capture this idea although technique could be improved.

Puppet made in AS Art exam. ISO 100, 1/20s, f/5.6.

My AS final exam piece inspired by the work of illustrator and sculptor Chris Sickels. I also shot these in more characterising situations, kind of personifying them but I found these shots to be the nicest overall whilst still maintaining the idea of 'humanistic behaviour' in an inanimate object.

Puppet from a series made for AS Art exam. ISO 400, 1/20s, f/5.

Again taken with the 17 – 85mm, I have done very little or no photo editing  with these photos and Photoshop is not something I have a great deal of experience in, however I am eager to learn how to use the program and understand that it can be integral to a professional photographer’s work.

Puppet from a series made for AS Art exam. ISO 1600, 1/30s, f/5.6.

This was taken with a new lens recently bought - Canon 17 -85mm, It instantly feels much better than my standard 18-55mm and I am looking forward to becoming familiar with it whilst travelling . Hopefully with it being  a little more telephoto but still covering the range of my other lens, it will give me more flexibility and allow me to capture both large city and landscapes as well as portraits and such.

Unique method of relief printing using layered card, Piece designed for an illustrated book made for my A2 Art Exam.

Art from my A level exam for a parody book of Noah’s Ark called ‘Noah and the Tabernacle’ although this did not make it into the final piece as the others had some layers of screen print over the top and a little collage on the print surface itself. I really like this rough blotchy method of relief printing and it is a lot faster than lino cutting.

Cheesy Urban Photo. ISO 100, 1/3s, f/3.5

In a pretty un-urban city, York.

Robe clad men, ISO 400, 1/s, f/4,

I like the hazy effect of a long shutter exposure here, along with the manakin arms that were sported by the singer until he disrobed mid-set.

Hike for landscape, North Wales. ISO 125, 1/50s, F/20.

I wanted the two shadows in the distance to give a great sense of perspective in this landscape, although recently I have purchased a book called ‘transient light’ by Ian Cameron which  has great advice for landscape photography such as the absolute necessity for using tripods (a technique that should have been employed here). 

Railway foot bridge, York. ISO 1600, 1/4s, f/5.

Night shots of my city York have become habitual recently. I like the effect of the artificial light from street lamps and also how the movement of people within the context of adverse weather conditions gives a bit of narrative to the image.

Glasgow flats, winter. ISO 800, 1/5s, f/3.5.

A shot taken this winter at the rear of a friends flat in Glasgow, it was snowing at the time and I was trying to capture a sense of winter in the city.

Kraków, Poland. ISO 200, 1/100s, f/8.

Taken quite early in my SLR wielding life - A market worker rests at 9 am around the corner from a busy market.

Near Bala, Snowdonia, North Wales. ISO 200, 1/5s, f/5.6.

After a pretty long hike we reached this forest that had a long path cleared, again a tripod and slightly better composition could have made this much better. I do however like the overpowering sense of light hitting the forest floor bordered by dense and dark trees either side.

Outside York station in dense mist. ISO 1600, 1/30s, f/3.5.

Beautiful diffused light again, I think I could have captured the scene much better than this with a tripod though.

24 Hour Kraków, Poland. ISO 800, 1/200s, f/3.5

Kebabs in Kraków are great. I like the contrast in this shot given by the high ISO, this is unedited and could probably use some Photoshopping, however I am not yet very confident in using the program - this is something I am looking forward to improving. 

Photograph taken on Holgate Bridge, York in dense mist. ISO 1600, 1/13s ,f/3.5.

The diffused and bleak  light in this photo give it an interesting  sense of solitude, it was late and I was on my way home from the station.